Snowbound Friday the 13th Coming?

An update on Platinum Dunes’ sequel

Earlier this year, Platinum Dunes’ Friday the 13th reboot slashed into theaters in February grossing $40 million during its 3-day debut. Jason Voorhees made a comeback in a big way grossing an estimate $90 million worldwide. Shortly thereafter, producers Michael Bay, Brad Fuller and Andrew Form announced Friday the 13th 2 was going into development with Mark Swift and Damion Shannon returning to write.

While in Chicago on the set of A Nightmare on Elm Street, Fuller updates on the status of Jason Voorhees’ latest outing under their supervision. The producer stresses there is no complete script (yet) and the sequel doesn’t even have a greenlight yet. However, if all goes well, there’s an August 13, 2010 release date they’d like to aim for along with a few surprises.

“If we’re going to do another Friday the 13th we want to present something audiences haven’t seen before and one of the things they haven’t seen before is Jason in the snow. We just want to bring things they haven’t seen before,” although that does not mean, “the [entire] movie will not be set in the snow.”

Wildstorm Comics published a Friday the 13th tale entitled “Bad Land” last year.

There has also been talk of Platinum Dunes venturing into the realm of 3-D, but that’s all matter of cost. Should a sequel take off, it will likely have the same budget as the first film; unless Warner Bros. and New Line were willing to pony up more dough, don’t expect to see Jason coming at you in 3-D.

When talking to Fuller, it was palpable that he wants to see improvements made the next time out. “If we were vulnerable in Friday the 13th, I think our vulnerability is people think our kills were not clever enough,” he said. “So whatever we need to do to make our kills feel clever in our second film is what we’re going to do. I think turning [Jason] into a space-going astronaut isn’t the direction we’re going to go in. But that’s a criticism that goes to my heart. I feel I failed the fans in that those kills were not original enough.”

If all goes smoothly, a next Friday the 13th could be rolling by the end of this year.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor

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