Starring TCM‘s Eric Balfour
Somewhere along the way Eric Balfour’s career turned him from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake and into the brick wall that is comprised of “Sci-Fi Original” movies. That makes us sad. The Hell Ride actor recently starred in Rise of the Gargoyles, a creature feature directed by Bill Corcoran that was geared for the Sci-Fi Channel and is now making its way to DVD on September 8th. Genius Products forwarded us a series of hi-res production photos as well as DVD cover art which you can find by clicking on the image below.
In the film, Balfour plays Jack Richmond, a struggling author whose outlandish theories on pagan architecture, make him the laughing stock of the academic world. But when Jack finds himself face to face in a demolished church with a live version of the stone gargoyles he’s devoted his life to studying, no one believes his story.

Source: Genius Products