Nightmare on Elm Street is Go, Shooting in Spring

Form, Fuller: “It’s our next project.”

Platinum Dunes is going to continue its working relationship with Warner Bros. and New Line for A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Since Comic-Con in July, it was unknown whether producers Michael Bay, Brad Fuller and Andrew Form were going to be involved in the reboot of the Freddy Krueger franchise. But today, Fuller and Form confirmed to that their deal is done. “It’s our next movie,” confirmed Form, “hopefully shooting this spring.”

Over the summer, Wesley Strick (Cape Fear) was attached to pen the script which is intended to re-imagine the dream-hopping teen killer. “It’s like what we’re doing to Friday the 13th,” says Fuller. “It’s not Freddy cracking jokes. We want to make a horrifying movie. The concept is so scary, don’t fall asleep or you’ll die. This guy gets you when you’re most vulnerable, in your sleep. We love that. That’s the basis of the movie. It’ll be most similar to the first one but in terms of kills and dreams we’ll borrow from the entire series.”

Shooting is expected to take place in the Chicago suburbs.

Fuller adds that Warner Bros.’ positive response to Friday the 13th was very helpful in getting Nightmare off the ground. Test screenings for Jason Voorhees’ latest outing have reportedly gone over great.

Addressing the great, incessant question: Will Robert Englund be back? Fuller and Form say they’re seeking someone new to don the hat and red ‘n green sweater, but they’re hopeful Englund will be back for a part in the film.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Managing Editor

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