200 to be selected for exclusive NYC bash
Shock received the following Cloverfield party invite to pass along to our readers in the New York area. If you get in, take tons of pics and we’ll post ’em – even if they were taken in a drunken haze.
Cloverfield and Myspace are throwing a surprise party for Rob in New York City! Let your users know that they are invited too!
Join us next Thursday night, January 17th for a send off for our buddy Rob, he’s moving to Japan! There will be drinks, dancing, and tons of cool people. It will be a party to remember!
We’re randomly picking 200 people who RSVP to join us for a big Cloverfield celebration in the Lower East Side. It’s going to be a blast!
RSVP to robsparty@cloverfieldmovie.com – make sure to include your FULL NAME and a PHONE NUMBER that we can reach you at. We will let you know if you have been chosen via telephone.
RSVP before Thursday night January 10th at midnight- we’re picking winners this Friday!

Source: Paramount, MySpace