WGA Strike: Horror Writers Performing Exorcism!

To purge the studio system of bad mojo

One week after an estimated 4,000 supporters participated in a WGA strike processional, a large contingent of Hollywood’s horror screenwriters is going to perform an “exorcism” on one studio this Tuesday. Here’s the invite one insider passed along to ShockTillYouDrop.com:

In a town where accounting is not what it seems…

Where books are cook’d like witches’ brew,

And net profits are cannibalized

And passed through the bowels of darkness…

Where residuals formulae are wrought

By prestidigitatory art…

And fair compensation is a distant dream…

One guild risked everything to make a difference.

And so can you.

Join us.

Exorcism rites will be performed to rid movie studios of diabolic infestation.

A eulogy will be given for the old MBA, which expired post-maturely on Halloween ’07.

A moment of silence will be observed in memory of the late great Ira Levin.

Location details are being kept mum. Black garb (natch) is required. Leave it to the fear makers of the industry to concoct such a devilish scheme. Shock will be checking in on this expurgation, be on the lookout here for coverage and pics.

Now entering its fourth week, the WGA strike may be a ways off from seeing an end, but a meeting is scheduled today between WGA reps and the Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers. It’s the first time both parties have met since writers have hit the picket lines.

Source: ShockTillYouDrop.com

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