A guest of the Unfiction message boards uploaded the below image that appears to be our first blurred (Argh! Cell phone snapshot!) look at a teaser poster for 1-18-08.
Here’s his story, “I just wanted to let you know about something I saw at a warehouse sale called Frank & Son’s here in Southern California. Basically they sell collectible stuff like cards, comics, toys, etc. It is like a mini convention hall every wed and saturday.
Anyway, I was at a large booth where they sell movie posters. One of the posters there had a snapshot of the statue of liberty overlooking the city of new york. The statue was missing it’s head and at the top in large white letters it said “Monstrous”. The lower right corner had in smaller white letters, 1-18-08.
“Monstrous” could simply be a teaser text – one in a series of posters coming our way. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a clearer image later this week…

Source: Ryan Rotten, Unfiction