Abominable snowman pic roars to life

Walt Disney Pictures’ interest in horror lives on in the wake of the January dumping of the killer croc effort Primeval. Evidence comes in the announcement of First Ascent, an abominable snowman chiller about a group of climbers tackling a mountain in Bhutan.
Script has been gestating in the offices of Jason Reed, Brigham Taylor and Casey Wolfe. Andrew Cosby (of Boom! Studios, a comic book publisher) and Johanna Stokes (“Eureka”) have been asked to come in and tinker with the script. Although this is Stokes’ first crack at a feature, Cosby has a few screenplays under his belt including an adaptation of Damn Nation for Paramount/MTV and a project entitled Creature Tech.
Hey, Mouse! It sure would be swell to see a subtle creature feature a la Hammer’s The Abominable Snowman…
Source: Ryan Rotten, The Hollywood Reporter