Hints at upcoming 3D effort

One screening down, another to go. It’s a big week for Jeremy Kasten’s Wizard of Gore remake which made its premiere at the L.A. Film Festival last Friday – another screening is on the schedule for this Thursday. And like any director who knows you shouldn’t waste any time lining up your next project, Kasten tells us he’s got a number of tricks up his sleeve.
In the immediate future, there’s “another movie that’s budgeted, a bigger film and will happen next, but I don’t want to talk about that yet because I’m waiting for the treatment,” Kasten reveals. “It’s a 3D movie so I’m very excited about that. It’s definitely a dream come true.”
Following that, it’s a dip in the Blood Bubble Bath, a low budget experimental piece with the price tag of $10k. Kasten hopes to attract ten different writers. One will start with ten pages, then “each [writer] will do the next consecutive ten pages, like an exercise, but I want it to be the most outrageous thing. Everyone keeps raising the stakes.” Wizard of Gore producer, Dan Griffiths, adds it’s an innovative, cost-effective way to attract larger name writers in the business. “We can’t afford any of the ten guys we want to write 110 pages, but we can probably get them for at least ten.”
Blood Bubble Bath has already attracted a handful of writers which will remain unnamed until an official announcement is made. “These guys have written great horror movies,” says Kasten. “I really believe that you can make a movie for ten grand as easily as you can for a hundred grand – make a movie for nothing that’s the ballsiest and most distubring thing.” How ballsy? “The pitch is what [Peter Jackson’s] ‘Meet the Feebles’ is for a puppet movie, that’s what I want to make for a horror film. Something that f**ked up, but every ten pages, whatever just happened before it changes up with the same characters involved.”
More on our travels around the L.A. Film Festival with Jeremy Kasten coming soon!

Source: Ryan Rotten