“Ever had one of those days?”

Positive word followed Stuart Gordon’s Stuck when it sauntered into this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Inspired by true events, it stars a cornrow’d Mena Suvari as a motorist who hits a man (Stephen Rea) and leaves him embedded in her windshield. Complications naturally arise and you can imagine her victim is pretty pissed when he tears himself free of the shattered glass. Stuck is Gordon’s latest depraved thriller that teeters into the realm of violent psychological horror. If you haven’t seen his last feature effort, David Mamet’s Edmond, we recommend you check it out. Not horror, per se, but there are horror-ish elements throughout, like William Macy in a bald cap.
That said, a trailer for Stuck is now alive and kickin’ at Rigel Entertainment here! Stay tuned for release date details!
Source: Ryan Rotten, Rigel Entertainment