One of three titles coming this fall

The U.K. flick Broken will be the first horror release under the Dimension Extreme direct-to-vid label. Pic, formerly entitled “Hearteater,” was released last year across the pond and is being grouped in with two other Extreme titles hitting this September. D.O.A. and Dirty Sanchez hit DVD on September 11th. Broken arrives two weeks later on the 25th.
From the directing team of Simon Boyes and Adam Mason, the film concerns a mother and daughter who are kidnapped by a man who brings them out into the woods and pushes the former through a series of trials. When the mother escapes and learns the fate of her daughter, she lashes out, determined to find the man responsible. Actress Nadja Brand goes head-to-head with actor Eric Colvin in this thriller which has received mixed reviews since its bow.
For some info on the Dimension Extreme brand, click here where we dropped some knowledge on you last month.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Home Media Magazine