R-Point director dabbles in the undead

I’m sure that headline got your attention. So, the gang at 24 frames per second got the drop on a new film from R-Point‘s Su-chang Kong. It’s called G.P. 506 (“g.p.” standing for “guard point”) and it goes a lil’ something like this…
“A strange multiple murder case was just occurred. A squad of soldiers from guard point 506 has been brutally killed, all except one. Every body was either crushed, or had their heads cut from their neck. The only survivor is in coma and the case is a complete mystery. Military investigator is dispatched. When he arrives it soon becomes apparent this is no ordinary investigation, he is confronted by the discovery that a strange virus is turning soldiers into zombie like killersâ¦!”
What begins as something that sounds slightly like Deathwatch takes a left turn into Romero-ville. No complaints here. G.P. 506 opens in its native country this August. We’ll let you know if a domestic distributor picks it up for release.

Source: Ryan Rotten, 24framespersecond