Connelly and Bettany star, first look at poster

Clive Barker and Guillermo del Toro. Two wildly divergent, forward-thinking creative forces that have each made an indelible impact on the genre. Now they’re coming together (!) for Born, a project for Daniel Simpson to helm, Del Toro to co-produce. Barker is pulling exec producing duties, but he also co-wrote the script with UK scribe/actor Paul Kaye (who appears in the upcoming thriller “Waz”).
Simpson, who pulled off a claymation short in ’95 called “H,” will direct actors Paul Bettany (“The Da Vinci Code”) and Jennifer Connelly (hottie supreme of “Dark Water”) in a “psychological thriller” about an animator, and family man, whose clay creations are “acting out a nightmare that comes to life.” ClearVision Media Production Group, the production firm shepherding the project, is likening the tone to “Rosemary’s Baby,” “Straw Dogs,” “The Wicker Man” (the one that counts) and “The Sixth Sense.”
The Chiodo Bros. will be stepping in with their animation expertise to produce the…wait for it…stop-motion sequences. (Wha…no CGI?! Unfathomable!)
Del Toro’s “Hellboy” producing pals Lawrence Gordon and Lloyd Levin are also producing. Shooting begins this August in the UK.

Source: Ryan Rotten, Variety