Shock visits the set of the MGM thriller

Anyone who could eat around the barf-o-rama human meat buffet Shock walks in on while visiting the Manhattan Beach set of Lakeshore Entertainment’s Pathology must have a stomach of iron. For a touch of added irony, Filipino actress Mei Melançon – whom we discover double-fisting fruit, with a peach in one hand and an apple in another, while looming over a filleted corpse – is a vegetarian. It’s just…not right this portrait of exotic beauty and putrid, wet viscera. Then again, there’s nothing we witness during the day that’s socially acceptable, at least when it concerns Pathology‘s ensemble and the twisted world they make for themselves (created by the Crank team Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, here serving as screenwriters).
Directed by popular commercial vet Marc Schoelermann, Pathology finds actor Milo Ventimiglia (pictured) exchanging his chic “Heroes” attire for scrubs and leading a team of med students who attempt to one-up each other in committing the perfect murder. Michael Weston (The Last Kiss), Dan Callahan (Midnight Meat Train), Lauren Lee Smith (Trick ‘r Treat), Johnny Whitworth (“CSI: Miami”), the aforementioned fruit-nibbling Melançon and Keir O’Donnell round out this motley lot of lethal intellectuals. Alyssa Milano also co-stars.
“Everything you see is real,” Schoelermann tells us, addressing Pathology‘s approach to the art of fear. “We’ve been to the morgue a couple of times so there’s nothing in this that we do because we want to do something that hasn’t been done before or we’re coming up with some interesting ways of killing people. Pretty much all of gore and blood you see is based in reality and I like that about this. Instead of going the ‘Hostel’ or ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ way and finding a way to slice up people and take them apart, this is grounded in reality and that makes it more interesting than just the average gore movie.”
Pathology hits theaters November 30th from MGM. Expect more coverage from the set as we near its release!

Source: Ryan Rotten