Harryhausen classic made new again

See below for the official specs on this TWO-DISC set, courtesy of Fangoria.
The Ymir never dies; he just gets reborn in new DVD editions of Nathan Juran’s reflection of ’50s sci-fi monster paranoia 20 Million Miles to Earth.
This year the film – featuring the stop-motion FX prowess of Ray Harryhausen – celebrates its 50th Anniversary and Sony Home Entertainment is helping it do so with a new DVD package (that’s the cover you see on the right) that streets on July 31st. Apparently this edition will come with a colorized version of the film – let’s hope there is a good ol’ black & white presentation.
Harryhausen supervised the digital transfer; you can safely guess he’ll crop up in a number of the bonus features which are unknown at the time of this writing. DVD Active says there will be a commentary from the man along with an interview with Tim Burton. Official specs are forthcoming, so watch the skies, er, this site for more details!
And here they are…
⢠Audio commentary by Harryhausen, producer Arnold Kunert and visual FX artists Dennis Muren and Phil Tippett
⢠“Remembering 20 Million Miles to Earth” featurette
⢠“Tim Burton Sits Down with Ray Harryhausen” featurette
⢠The Joan Taylor Interview featurette
⢠Colorization featurette
⢠Mischa Bakaleinikoff: Film Music’s Unsung Hero featurette
⢠Video discussion of 20 Million Miles to Earth‘s marketing and advertising by Kunert
⢠Still and production art gallery
⢠Sneak peek at 20 Million Miles More digital comic book
Also, if you missed this announcement, 20 Million Miles to Earth is playing at this year’s Los Angeles Film Festival.

Source: Ryan Rotten, DVD Active