Discusses recipe for gory good time

There are plenty of ways to convert to a vegan lifestyle; Rob Schmidt (pictured) aims to do so through the making of Bad Meat (read our last report here).
“My goal is to never eat meat again after making it,” says the 41-year-old Pennsylvania native who has explored backwoods terror (Wrong Turn) and filtered contemporary right-to-die debates through an archetypal tale of supernatural revenge (“Masters of Horror”). As he completes The Alphabet Killer, starring Eliza Dushku, Schmidt is now fixin’ to put “Meat” on the front burner.
You don’t need to venture far to guess that ground beef spills into the narrative ingredients somewhere along the way, but the marrow of the story follows a group of delinquent teens kicked off to boot camp by their folks to readjust their rotten attitudes. Behind the script is Paul Gerstenberger, an import from the UK where “mad cow disease” ran rampant. Apparently, the bovine influence extends into “Meat” too.
In a Shock exclusive, Schmidt details the film’s unflinching opening that starts with “documentary footage of cattle being pumped up with steroids and antibiotics, penned up in a brutal Cowschwitz,” they are then “slaughtered with nail guns to the brain, skinned and chopped up while they’re still breathing. What follows is one of those ‘scared straight’ type jail diversion programs where we meet some folks we can care about, see them grow, struggle, suffer and die at the hands of steroid and industrial grade antibiotic-addled meat eating human monsters.”
Sounds hearty, right? Well, grab a steak knife you carnivore ’cause Schmidt professes “Meat” will be “the goriest, most disturbing movie of my career.” He begins cookin’ up this sure to be audacious endeavor for THINKFilm Int’l and Tiger Aspect this September.

Source: Ryan Rotten