“There’s…very unconventional sex.”

Earlier in the week it was announced that Vincenzo Natali (pictured) was gearing up for Splice – a production overseen by Copperheart Entertainment (the “Ginger Snaps” trilogy), Gaumont, Guillermo del Toro, Don Murphy and Susan Montford. The project is an open door to the bizarre as it details the account of two geneticists enjoying their fame for creating new species of life from their gene-splicing experiments…until they decide to introduce human DNA into the mix. Expect a wide variety of creature FX when this one begins shooting in Toronto over the summer.
Shock spoke to the Cube co-writer/director about his intent with Splice, a film apropos in this day and age of stem cell research debates and food culled from cloned animals. “‘Splice’ is very much about our genetic future and the way science is catching up with much of the fiction out there,” Natali posits. “[This] is a serious film and an emotional one. And there’s sex… Very unconventional sex. The centerpiece of the movie is a creature which goes through a dramatic evolutionary process. The goal is to create something shocking but also very subtle and completely believable.”
Splice is a pet project Natali has been nurturing for eight years even while developing an adaptation of J.G. Ballard’s High Rise which is still “under construction,” as he says. But now, the time is right Splice. “Finally the technology has become sophisticated enough and economical enough to make it possible,” he adds. “Oh, and a final note, there’s a misconception that ‘Splice’ was originally intended to be an animated film. It was always meant to be live action and performance driven. I’m working very hard to get the right cast.”
No doubt we’ll be bringing you that casting news when it’s made available. Those looking to get a dose of Natali on the big screen can check out Paris, je t’aime which enjoys a limited release next month (click the title for more details!).

Source: Ryan Rotten