And we’ve got pics
Wednesday, April 11th…
At the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, sometimes being undead is better. Especially if you’re a made-up ghoul, with a face that looks like gnarly chewed gristle, and your job is to greet the red carpet arrivals for the big premiere of David Arquette’s directorial debut The Tripper. It’s a rather unorthodox location for a film celebration, to be sure, but in addition to being called home to many of Hollywood’s late, great stars, this morbidly luxurious plot of land also welcomes a surprising number of screenings every year.
Tonight’s event is situated waaaay in the back of the cemetery where an untouched field of grass sits. Throw a stone over the nearby wall and you’d hit the Paramount lot, whether you intended to or not. When the moon comes up, The Tripper and its gory exploits will be projected on the side of a mammoth mausoleum; and there’s a sound system so ludicrously huge you can only imagine it’s going to rattle a few bones, including Johnny Ramone whose gravestone/memorial statue is within eyesight from the beanbags, couches (!) and lawn chairs laid out before the “screen.” Funny thing is – having been a horror fan himself, he’d get a kick out of the whole shindig. As night falls, the guests arrive and the aforementioned zombies do their best mugging for the press. Then, the roar of a motorcade. A presidential limo pulls up and out steps Ronald Reagan…wielding an axe. The Arquette’s sure know how to throw a party. Here are a handful of pics from the premiere…

Source: Ryan Rotten