Actor returns for Abe Sapien and more

Abe Sapien may not be the only skin Doug Jones slips into for his return in Guillermo Del Toro’s Hellboy 2: The Golden Army. Shock has learned the willowy actor – seen this summer as the titular Silver Surfer in Fox’s Fantastic Four sequel (shh, don’t let the studio know you know) – could be tripling up on his creature characters for the next ‘Hellboy’ which is housed at Universal.
Right now he’s a lock again for Abe, the amphibious straight man to the franchise’s big red supernatural ass-kicker (again played by Ron Perlman), but it appears Jones may be going under the makeup for two other integral parts in the film’s promised arsenal of monsters currently being developed at the Spectral Motion FX lab. Jones showed a similar range of diversity in last year’s Pan’s Labyrinth in which he played the film’s fawn and the Pale Man – according to our source, Del Toro’s just kicking it up one more role for his favorite creature collaborator.
In the sequel, Hellboy is faced with a battalion of beasts disturbed by a broken truce between the human race and the fantasy world. Reportedly, cameras are expected to roll sometime this month.

Source: Ryan Rotten