Directed by Evan Tramel, Fishmas! (2019) is an animated movie that follows Fifi and her friends at Fish School in Fishtail Reef. They embark on a quest to find their missing friend Ping, aiming to unite the community for a joyful Fishmas celebration filled with friendship and love.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Fishmas! (2019) via streaming services such as Peacock.
Is Fishmas! (2019) available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Fishmas! (2019) is available to watch via streaming on Peacock.
Fishmas! (2019) is an animated adventure set in Fishtail Reef during the festive Fishmas season. Fifi and her friends from Fish School embark on a mission to find their missing friend Ping, who has been chased away by bullies. Their journey not only aims to reunite him with his community, but also brings everyone together for a heartwarming Fishmas celebration filled with camaraderie and holiday spirit.
The movie features a stellar voice cast, including Aiden McCreary as Rip, Angie Gillespie as the narrator, Bruce Michaels as Scroodle, Maria Petrano as Lily, and Darren Richardson as Maestro. Moreover, Kj Schrock as Mr. Sushi, Tina Shuster as Alba, Sarah Taylor as Tang, and Avery Williams as Sammy, complete the cast list.
Watch Fishmas! (2019) streaming via Peacock
Fishmas! (2019) is available to watch on Peacock. The streaming platform provides both free and premium subscription options, featuring popular NBC shows, Universal films, and exclusive Peacock Originals.
You can watch via Peacock by following these steps:
- Go to
- Click ‘Get Started’
- Choose your payment plan
- $5.99 per month or $59.99 per year (premium)
- $11.99 per month or $119.99 per year (premium plus)
- Create your account
- Enter your payment details
Peacock’s Premium account provides access to over 80,000+ hours of TV, movies, and sports, including current NBC and Bravo Shows, along with 50 always-on channels. Premium Plus is the same plan but with no ads (save for limited exclusions), along with allowing users to download select titles and watch them offline and providing access to your local NBC channel live 24/7.
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.