Created by Will Ferrell, Ramy Youssef, and Josh Rabinowitz, Golf is a comedy series slated to come out on Netflix. The plot reportedly follows a fictional golf legend, portrayed by Ferrell, who becomes part of a new golf league that quickly becomes one of PGA’s major competitors. Golf is the first TV comedy of Ferrel’s career. He has previously starred in films like Elf and the Anchorman series. He was also a cast member of Saturday Night Live and appeared alongside Paul Rudd in Apple TV Plus’ drama series The Shrink Next Door. If you want to know when Golf Starring Will Ferrell is coming out, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all the Golf release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Golf Starring Will Ferrell release date?
Golf’s release date could arrive by 2025 at the earliest.
The series was originally announced in April 2023. In May 2024, Netflix unveiled that it was boarding the project as the distributor. Will Ferrell and Jessica Elbaum are executive producing Golf through their Gloria Sanchez Productions. T-Street’s Rian Johnson, Nena Rodrigue, and Ram Bergman will also serve as executive producers.
Just like Ferrell, Youssef is creating the series and will play a yet-undisclosed role. Netflix shows generally have eight episodes, but this series will have 10. So, we can expect that it will stay in production longer than other Netflix projects. If filming begins sometime in 2024, Golf Starring Will Ferrell can potentially debut in 2025 at the earliest.
This date is an estimation based on the information we have at the time of this writing.
As of May 2024, no information is available on the cast of Golf besides Ferrell and Youssef.
Where is Golf Starring Will Ferrell coming out?
Golf is anticipated to come out on Netflix in 2025 at the earliest.
This is because Golf is in development at Netflix. ComingSoon will provide an update when the streaming giant announces the exact release date of the comedy series.
The official synopsis for Golf reads:
“Comedy series about a fictional golf legend.”