Watch Anyone But You
Credit: Columbia Pictures

Where to Watch Anyone But You Online: Cheap Streaming Guide

Where can you watch Anyone But You online, and are there cheap or free streaming service options available to watch it on? The romantic comedy was one of 2023’s most talked-about movies, as Sydney Sweeney and Glen Powell’s on-screen chemistry made headlines. As such, many are wondering how to watch it for cheap.

Here’s the best option to stream Anyone But You on a budget.

What’s the best price to watch Anyone But You online via stream?

Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube, Vudu, and Spectrum TV have the best price to watch Anyone But You online, but only for rental. If you want to stream the movie, then Netflix offers the best (and, currently, only) price for $6.99 per month.

Streaming serviceCheapest Price
Apple TV$5.99 (rental)
Amazon$5.99 (rental)
Google Play$5.99 (rental)
YouTube $5.99 (rental)
Vudu$5.99 (rental)
Spectrum TV$5.99 (rental)
Netflix$6.99 (standard with ads)

The movie’s available to watch on the above services to rent, though it’s also available as part of Netflix’s wider subscription package. With a $6.99 standard with ads Netflix package, you’ll be able to stream Anyone But You along with the streaming service’s other movies and TV series. As such, the best value for money is the Netflix subscription, unless you simply want to watch Anyone But You and nothing else.

Can you watch Anyone But You free online legally?

Anyone But You is not currently available to watch online for free, with the paid options including a Netflix subscription or rental via Apple TV, Amazon, Google Play, YouTube, Vudu, or Spectrum TV.

As Netflix doesn’t offer a free trial, the movie isn’t available to watch for free. Viewers can either rent it from another service or subscribe to the streaming platform in order to watch it.

What is Anyone But You about?

Anyone But You stars Sydney Sweeney as Bea and Glen Powell as Ben, two former lovers who reunite at a wedding and decide to pretend they’re a couple.

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