Dork Hunters From Outer Space
Photo Credit: ITV / GMTV / RTL II

Dork Hunters From Outer Space Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Peacock

Dork Hunters From Outer Space is an animated series created by Rick Ungar. The show revolves around the escapades of five friends, three of whom are entities from outer space. The group assumes the responsibility of fighting against the danger of an evil extraterrestrial race known as Dorks, who take human forms and aim to cause trouble at any opportunity available.

Here’s how you can watch and stream Dork Hunters From Outer Space via streaming services such as Peacock.

Is Dork Hunters From Outer Space available to watch via streaming?

Yes, Dork Hunters From Outer Space is available to watch via streaming on Peacock.

The opening chapter of the series introduces the viewers to a group of five teenagers, including Mac, Eddie, Nikki, Angie, and Romeo. Eddie and Angie are regular teenagers who attend high school in the city of Paramus.

However, the remaining three members of the group are aliens who inadvertently landed on Earth after missing a turn while on course to Saturn. The five friends combine their strengths to fend off shape-shifting threats from outer space, known as Dorks, who get summoned to the planet by the extraterrestrial pet of Principal Jones.

Alan Marriott and Lynn Blades take the lead in this series, occupying the roles of Mac and Nikki, respectively. The additional voice cast also features Ben Small, Eric Meyers, Lili Katz, Gary Martin, and Dian Perry, among others.

Watch Dork Hunters From Outer Space streaming via Peacock

Dork Hunters From Outer Space is available to watch on Peacock.

Subscribing to the OTT platform would allow you to stream both news and sports programming, as well as titles from third-party content providers like Hallmark Channel, NBC Sports, and WWE.

You can watch via Peacock by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click ‘Get Started’
  3. Choose your payment plan
    • $5.99 per month or $59.99 per year (premium)
    • $11.99 per month or $119.99 per year (premium plus
  4. Create your account
  5. Enter your payment details

Peacock’s Premium account provides access to over 80,000+ hours of TV, movies, and sports, including current NBC and Bravo Shows, along with 50 always-on channels. Premium Plus is the same plan but with no ads (save for limited exclusions), along with allowing users to download select titles and watch them offline and providing access to your local NBC channel live 24/7.

Dork Hunters From Outer Space’s official synopsis is as follows:

“Five teenage friends fight against an evil alien species named the Dorks in order to retrieve some peculiar and extremely dangerous explosives called the microgalaxies.”

NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.

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