Our Boys is an Israeli television drama series created by Hagai Levi, Joseph Cedar and Tawfik Abu Wael. It revolves the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in the summer of 2014, which ultimately led to a war outbreak. The series explores the complex investigation and the impact on both Israeli and Palestinian communities.
Here’s where you can watch Our Boys online.
Where can you watch and stream Our Boys?
You can watch and stream Our Boys on HBO Max.
The series explores themes of conflict, grief, justice, identity, prejudice in its exploration of conflict, the quest for justice and the complexities of identity and belonging in a divided society.
The cast of “Our Boys” features Shlomi Elkabetz as Simon, Johnny Arbid as Hussein Abu Khdeir, Adam Gabay as Avishai Greengold, Ruba Blal Asfour as Suha Abu Khdeir, Jony Arbid as another portrayal of Hussein Abu Khdeir, Lior Ashkenazi as Uri, Michael Aloni as Amos, Or Ben-Melech as Naftali, Noa Koler as Avigail and Moris Cohen as Yosef Haimovitch.
How to watch Our Boys and stream online
Users can watch Our Boys by availing the HBO Max membership. HBO Max, now called Max, is a streaming platform that allows you access to blockbuster shows like Game of Thrones and latest movies available.
You can watch Our Boys via Max, formerly known as HBO Max, by following these steps:
- Go to HBOMax.com/subscribe
- Click ‘Sign Up Now’
- Choose your plan:
- $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year (with ads)
- $15.99 per month or $149.99 per year (ad-free)
- $19.99 per month or $199.99 per year (ultimate ad-free)
- Enter your personal information and password
- Select ‘Create Account’
Max With Ads provides the service’s streaming library at a Full HD resolution, allowing users to stream on up to two supported devices at once. Max Ad-Free removes the service’s commercials and allows streaming on two devices at once in Full HD. It also allows for 30 downloads at a time to allow users to watch content offline. On the other hand, Max Ultimate Ad-Free allows users to stream on four devices at once in a 4K Ultra HD resolution and provides Dolby Atmos audio and 100 downloads.
The official synopsis for Our Boys reads:
“Three Jewish teenagers are kidnapped and murdered by Hamas militants in the summer of 2014, leading to the retaliatory killing of 16-year-old Palestinian Muhammad Abu Khdeir and a conflict that forever changes the lives of Jews and Arabs alike.“