Morphle Season 7 is the next installment of the children’s animated series created by Dutch animator Arthur van Merwijk. It chronicles the adventures of the Mila and her pet Morphle, a magical creature that can morph into whatever it wishes for. The seventh season of the show was released in 2021 and it consists of 14 episodes in total. The engaging animation of the show makes it a delightful watch for all preschoolers. The show aims to teach children about the importance of friendship, creativity, problem-solving, and kindness.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Morphle Season 7 via streaming services such as Amazon Prime Video.
Is Morphle Season 7 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Morphle Season 7 is available to watch via streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Morphle is an energetic little red creature who can morph into anything Mila’s playful mind can imagine. We see him morph into a sweet puppy, a giant truck, a cool dinosaur, or anything in between. Mila loves and takes care of Morphle, and together, they turn every day into the most exciting playdate with their magical powers and creativity. This season, we see Orphle, the superhero alter ego of Morphle, springs into action to prevent trouble from brewing in Petport.
The voice cast of Morphle features Sabrina Glow, Arthur van Merwijk as Mila and Morphle respectively. Additionally, Cassie Glow, Brianne James, Tim Simmons, Bastian Antonio Fuentes, Susan Glow, Lucy Capri, and Jasmine Washington also feature. Tom Pallai, Joy Gingell, Alex Mai, and more also feature.
Watch Morphle Season 7 streaming via Amazon Prime Video
Morphle Season 7 is available to watch on Amazon Prime Video.
Amazon Prime Video is a streaming video service by Amazon offering a wide selection of movies, TV shows, and exclusive content. It includes exclusive movies and TV shows like The Grand Tour and award-winning titles such as The Man in the High Castle, Mozart in the Jungle, and Transparent.
You can watch via Amazon Prime Video by following these steps:
- Go to Amazon Prime Video
- Select ‘Sign in’ and ‘Create your Amazon account’
- Sign up for a Prime Video membership:
- $14.99 per month or $139 per year with an Amazon Prime membership
- $8.99 per month for a standalone Prime Video membership
Amazon Prime is the online retailer’s paid service that provides fast shipping and exclusive sales on products, so the membership that includes both this service and Prime Video is the company’s most popular offering. However, you can also opt to subscribe to Prime Video separately.
Morphle Season 7’s synopsis is as follows:
“Little Mila turns playtime into a series of fun and educational adventures with her magical pet Morphle, who transforms into anything she dreams up!”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.