Created by The Viral Fever (TVF) and developed by Arunabh Kumar, Pitchers or TVF Pitchers revolves around a group of four friends — Naveen, Jitu (Season 1), Yogi, and Mandal — and their struggle to establish themselves in India’s corporate sector with their start-up company. The first season premiered on June 10, 2015, and season 2 on December 23, 2022. If you are wondering whether there will be a third season, we got you covered.
Here’s all the Pitchers Season 3 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Pitchers Season 3 release date?
Pitchers Season 3 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
The intermediate period between seasons 1 and 2 was over seven years. Speaking to Hindustan Times in December 2022, series creator and TVF founder Arunabh Kumar, who also portrays Yogendra Kumar “Yogi” Pandey in the show, assured the fans that they would not take another seven years to develop the next season, effectively stating that season 3 was likely to happen in the future. “Hopefully not! The whole team of Zee5 gave us all the freedom to make this and they are also saying this time don’t take seven years. So, we have already started thinking,” Kumar said.
The cast likely includes Naveen Kasturia as Naveen Bansal, Arunabh Kumar as Yogendra Kumar “Yogi” Pandey, Abhay Mahajan as Saurabh Mandal, Riddhi Dogra as Prachi Meena, Sikandar Kher as Prabhash Mehta, Maanvi Gagroo as Shreya, Abhishek Banerjee as Bhati, Pranav Bhasin as Dungeon_Master, Gopal Datt as Ravi Ram Rastogi (“RRR”), Jitendra Kumar as Jitendra “Jitu” Maheshwari, and more.
Where is Pitchers Season 3 coming out?
Pitchers Season 3 could come out on Zee5.
This is because ZEE5 revealed in June 2021 that the streaming service had entered into a partnership with TVF and acquired the exclusive rights to stream the shows developed by the latter. The first season was originally streamed on TVFPlay and The Viral Fever YouTube channel.
The official synopsis for Pitchers reads:
“A story of trials and tribulations of four young entrepreneurs who quit their day jobs in order to pursue their start up venture.”