Based on the namesake manga series by Hajime Isayama, Attack on Titan is a dark fantasy anime television series developed for the Shōnen demographic. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world, where the remnants of humanity seemingly have been forced to live behind tall walls to protect themselves from Titans, who are giant humanoids. After his mother is eaten by a colossal Titan, protagonist Eren Yeager joins the elite Survey Corps in pursuit of vengeance alongside friends Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert. In the course of the series, Eren’s character drastically changes, gradually transforming from the hero to the villain of the story.
Since its premiere on April 7, 2013, Attack of Titans has received critical acclaim and is widely regarded as one of the greatest anime of all time. Season four was split into four parts, with the fourth part, also known as Special Edition 2, debuting on November 5, 2023. If you are wondering when Attack on Titan Season 5 is coming out, we’ve got you covered.
Here’s all the Attack on Titan Season 5 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there an Attack on Titan Season 5 release date?
There is no Attack on Titan Season 5 release date, as the TV anime show has ended after four seasons.
Attack on Titan has ended after four seasons, as the series has now covered the original manga in its entirety, concluding with Eren’s death at Mikasa’s hands. The ending also offers a glimpse of the future, where a boy and his dog find the tree under which Mikasa buried Eren’s head. The said tress now looks quite similar to the tree that once harbored the source of the Titans’ power.
Eren’s death inevitably divided the fans about the manga and the show’s endings. So, when it was announced that Isayama would add a new volume to Attack on Titan, there was much speculation about it being a rewrite of the ending. However, this new addition, titled Akudou or Bad Boy, was ultimately revealed to be a brand new manga set in the same universe. It will be published on April 30, 2024, as part of an art book drawn by an expert illustrator. The new manga and the art book will also be incorporated into volume 35 of Attack on Titan.
Given its popularity, more anime will likely be developed as part of the same universe, but Attack on Titan as a TV anime has ended.
The cast includes Yuki Kaji (Japanese) / Bryce Papenbrook (English) as Eren Yeager, Yui Ishikawa (Japanese) / Trina Nishimura (English) as Mikasa Ackerman, Marina Inoue (Japanese) / Jessie James Grelle (English) as Armin Arlert, Yoshimasa Hosoya (Japanese) / Robert McCollum (English) as Reiner Braun, Romi Park (Japanese) / Jessica Calvello (English) as Hange Zoë, Kishô Taniyama (Japanese) / Mike McFarland (English) as Jean Kirstein, Hiro Shimono (Japanese) / Clifford Chapin (English) as Connie Springer, and more.
Where is Attack on Titan Season 5 coming out?
Attack on Titan Season 5 isn’t confirmed to be released on NHK General TV, Hulu, and Crunchyroll. ComingSoon will provide an update if the circumstances change.
The official synopsis for Attack on Titan reads:
“Several hundred years ago, humans were nearly exterminated by Titans. Titans are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and, worst of all, seem to do it for the pleasure rather than as a food source. A small percentage of humanity survived by walling themselves in a city protected by extremely high walls, even taller than the biggest Titans. Flash forward to the present and the city has not seen a Titan in over 100 years. Teenage boy Eren and his foster sister Mikasa witness something horrific as the city walls are destroyed by a Colossal Titan that appears out of thin air. As the smaller Titans flood the city, the two kids watch in horror as their mother is eaten alive. Eren vows that he will murder every single Titan and take revenge for all of mankind.”