Created by Saurabh Khanna and written by Abhishek Yadav, Hostel Daze is an Indian Hindi-language comedy-drama series. The plot revolves around a group of engineering students living in a hostel. The series explores their friendship, struggles, hopes, and fears. Since its premiere on December 13, 2019, Hostel Daze has received mostly positive responses. Season 4 started streaming on September 27, 2023. If you are wondering when season 5 is coming out, we got you covered.
Here’s all the Hostel Daze Season 5 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a Hostel Daze Season 5 release date?
There is no Hostel Daze Season 5 release date as the series ended after four seasons.
In September 2023, The Viral Fever, the production company behind Hostel Daze, released a promotional photo for the fourth season, which premiered a week later. The caption reads, “Four crazy years taking the final swing!” This effectively confirmed that the fourth season was the last chapter of Hostel Daze.
In October 2023, Abhinav Anand, one of the directors of the series, addressed the fans in a heartfelt message on Instagram. “Our DMs are flooded with the messages and we’re overwhelmed, he wrote. “Thankyou so much doston (friends) for accepting the end with us which was equally hard for us to accept too,” Abhinav added.
The cast includes Nikhil Vijay as Jatin Kishore aka “Jhantoo,” Shubham Gaur as Rupesh Bhati aka “Jaat,” Utsav Sarkar as Ankit Pandey, Luv as Chirag Bansal, Ahsaas Channa as Akanksha Pechkas Thakur, Harsha Chemudu as Ravi Teja, Ayushi Gupta as Nabomita Bharadwaj aka “Nabo,” and more.
Where is Hostel Daze Season 5 coming out?
Hostel Daze Season 5 isn’t confirmed to be released on Amazon Prime Video. ComingSoon will provide an update if circumstances change.
The official synopsis for Hostel Daze reads:
“Four naive and vulnerable wing-mates develop lasting bonds as they jostle hard to survive the first semester in a hostel. Peppered with absurdities, chutzpahs, clashes, and debacles inherent to hostel life, Hostel Daze depicts the grill that every Indian hostel resident goes through.”