Turning back the years, Your Place or Mine is a romantic comedy, crafted in the style of those classic love stories of the early 2000s. Directed and written by American filmmaker Aline Brosh McKenna, the movie revolves around the lives of two individuals, Debbie Dunn and Peter Coleman. Twenty years after sharing an intimate night together, the two are now best friends and live in separate cities. Their lives intertwine once again after Peter offers to take care of Debbie’s son while she moves to New York to fulfill her dream. If you’re interested in knowing how to stream this film, we’ve got your back.
Here’s where you can watch Your Place or Mine online.
Where can you watch and stream Your Place or Mine?
You can watch and stream Your Place or Mine on Netflix.
With a runtime of about an hour and 50 minutes, Your Place or Mine is a solid feel-good watch. The film also features two veterans of the romantic comedy genre, in the form of Ashton Kutcher and Reese Witherspoon, who portray Peter and Debbie, respectively. The supporting cast includes Jesse Williams, Zoë Chao, Wesley Kimmel, and Tig Notaro, among others.
How to watch Your Place or Mine and stream online
You can easily watch and stream Your Place or Mine online by getting a Netflix subscription. The acclaimed streaming platform provides a variety of content to its users, including movies, TV shows, and documentaries of multiple genres. Netflix also gives you the option of upgrading, downgrading, or canceling your subscription at any given time.
As of now, the streaming service offers three subscription tiers to its potential users. Here are all the plans that you can choose from:
- Standard Plan With Ads, costing $6.99 per month
- Standard Plan Without Ads, costing $15.49 per month
- Premium Plan Without Ads, costing $19.99 per month
The two Standard plans would enable you to simultaneously stream Netflix content on two screens. The Premium plan, on the other hand, provides a major upgrade on this facility by letting you stream on up to four devices at the same time.
The official synopsis for Your Place or Mine reads:
“When best friends and total opposites Debbie and Peter swap homes for a week, they get a peek into each other’s lives that could open the door to love.”