If you’re looking for where to watch and stream Dredd then look no further as we have all the details right here for you. The movie revolves around a cold-blooded cop in a dystopian future named Judge Dredd and a psychic rookie Cassandra as they try to investigate three brutal murders inside a giant building ruled over by the evil drug lord Ma-Ma.
Here’s where you can watch Dredd online.
Where can you watch and stream Dredd?
You can watch and stream Dredd on Netflix. The movie is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription.
The movie’s cast includes Karl Urban as Judge Dredd, Olivia Thirlby as Anderson, Lena Headey as Ma-Ma, Jason Cope as Zwirner, Emma Breschi as Hostage, Rakie Ayola as Chief Judge, Tamer Burjaq as Ma-Ma’s bodyguard, Wood Harris as Kay, Warrick Grier as Caleb, and others.
How to watch Dredd and stream online
You will have to get a subscription to Netflix to watch and stream Dredd. To sign up, visit netflix.com/signup, create an account by entering your email and password, choose the subscription plan that suits you best (this can be upgraded or downgraded anytime), enter a payment method, and then stream the movie.
Netflix offers three subscription plans for you to choose from – a Standard with ads at $6.99 a month, a Standard at $15.49 a month, and a Premium plan at $19.99 a month. The Standard and Premium plans have extra member slots at $7.99 a month.
The official synopsis for Dredd reads:
“Enforcing the law in a violent dystopian society, Judge Dredd and a new trainee fight their way through a tower block to bring down a drug boss.”
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