If you’re looking for where to watch and stream Field of Dreams, look no further as we have all the details right here for you. The movie revolves around Iowa farmer Ray, played by Kevin Costner, who builds a baseball diamond on his land inspired by a mysterious voice. Soon ghosts of great players emerge from the crops to play ball.
Here’s where you can watch Field of Dreams online.
Where can you watch and stream Field of Dreams?
You can watch and stream Field of Dreams on Netflix. The movie is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription.
The movie’s cast includes Kevin Costner as Ray Kinsella, James Earl Jones as Terrence Mann, Ray Liotta as Joe Jackson, Amy Madigan as Annie Kinsella, Gaby Hoffmann as Karin Kinsella, Timothy Busfield as Mark, Burt Lancaster as Dr. ‘Moonlight’ Graham, Frank Whaley as Archie Graham, and others.
How to watch Field of Dreams and stream online
You will have to get a subscription to Netflix to watch and stream Field of Dreams. To sign up, visit netflix.com/signup, create an account by entering your email and password, choose the subscription plan that suits you best (this can be upgraded or downgraded anytime), enter a payment method, and then stream the movie.
Netflix offers three subscription plans for you to choose from – a Standard with ads at $6.99 a month, a Standard at $15.49 a month, and a Premium plan at $19.99 a month. The Standard and Premium plans have extra member slots at $7.99 a month.
The official synopsis for Field of Dreams reads:
“A mysterious voice encourages an Iowa farmer to build a baseball diamond in his cornfield, where a ghostly teams of legends comes out to play.”
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