If want to know where to watch and stream Mars Needs Moms online, look no further, as we have all the details right here. The movie revolves around Milo, who, just as he wishes he never had a mother, his wish comes true after Martians kidnap her. In an effort to rescue his mother, he sets off on a quest to outer space.
Here’s where you can watch Mars Needs Moms online.
Where can you watch and stream Mars Need Moms?
You can watch and stream Mars Need Moms on Disney+. The movie is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription.
As it’s an animated movie, many stars have lent their voices to the characters, including Seth Green as Milo, Joan Cusack as the Mother, Dan Fogler as Gribble, Elisabeth Harnois as Ki,
Mindy Sterling as Supervisor, Kevin Cahoon as Wingnut, Jacquie Barnbrook as Martian, and others.
How to watch Mars Need Moms and stream online
You must get a Disney+ subscription to watch and stream Mars Need Moms. To sign up, open the Disney+ website on your browser, select “SIGN UP NOW”, enter your email address and password, choose a subscription plan that best suits your needs, make your payment, and enjoy streaming the movie.
Disney+ offers three different subscription plans for you to choose from – a basic plan with ads at $7.99 a month, a premium plan ad-free at $10.99 a month, and $109.99 a year.
The official synopsis for Mars Need Moms reads:
“Nine-year-old Milo finds out just how much he needs his mom when she’s abducted by Martians. On the quest to save her, he finds help from an Earthman named Gribble and a rebel Martian girl called Ki.”
For more Disney+ content, check out where to watch Wings of Life online.
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