If you’re looking to watch and stream Man of the House, look no further as we have all the details right here for you. The movie revolves around a young boy who refuses to accept his mother’s new lawyer boyfriend. Despite the man’s attempts to win over the boy, he does not heed successful results.
Here’s where you can watch Man of the House online.
Where can you watch and stream Man of the House?
You can watch and stream Man of the House on Disney Plus. The movie is available to watch on the streaming platform through a subscription.
The cast includes Chevy Chase as Jack Sturges, Farrah Fawcett as Sandy Archer, Jonathan Taylor Thomas as Ben Archer, George Wendt as Chet Bronski, Art LaFleur as Red Sweeny, Richard Portnow as Joey Renda, Richard Foronjy as Murray, Peter Appel as Tony, and others.
How to watch Man of the House and stream online
You will have to get a Disney Plus subscription to watch and stream Man of the House. To sign up, open the Disney Plus website on your browser, select “SIGN UP NOW”, enter your email address and password, select a subscription plan according to your needs, make your payment, and enjoy streaming the movie.
Disney Plus offers three subscription plans for you to choose from – a basic plan with ads at $7.99 a month, a premium plan ad-free at $10.99 a month, and $109.99 a year.
The official synopsis for Man of the House reads:
“A man joins the YMCA Indian Guides to impress the young son of the woman of his dreams. From rain dancing to building a teepee, he does anything to win the boy’s approval — and his mom’s affection.”
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