Secret Invasion introduces President Vladimov, the Russian president in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Here’s what we know so far about the president and the role he may play in future MCU movies and TV shows.
Who is the Russian president in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
The Russian president in the MCU is President Vladimov.
Named for the first time in Secret Invasion, President Vladimov is discussed following an attack on the U.S. president by Russian-speaking soldiers.
When confronted about the attack, President Vladimov “strenuously denied responsibility.” As the audience knows, the Russian-speaking soldiers were in fact enemy Skrulls whose aim was to start a war between the two countries.
While he denies responsibility for the attacks, President Vladimov still moves tanks into positions alongside the Finland and Ukranian borders. Clearly the Russian president is preparing for the worst here. He might know that he didn’t carry out any attacks, but he’s smart enough to recognize the evidence against his country, even if it is inaccurate and fabricated.
With the Russian president now named, it’s possible that we’ll see more of the character in upcoming Marvel movies and TV shows. We already know that there’s going to be a political focus in Captain America: Brave New World, with the U.S. president being replaced by Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross who is played by Harrison Ford. It’s not clear what is going to happen to President Ritson to make room for Ross.
Of course, real-world tensions between world leaders and Russia will surely be considered when creating upcoming Marvel movies and TV shows. It’s possible that we won’t hear about President Vladimov anytime soon or, perhaps, never again.
For more Secret Invasion guides, here’s what happened to the U.K. prime minister at the end of the finale. Also, here’s where Nick Fury and Priscilla are going.