The ending of Secret Invasion episode 5 set things in motion for the upcoming series finale. What happened to Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and the others this week? What’s this Harvest everyone is talking about? Here’s what when down in the latest episode of Secret Invasion.

What’s The Harvest in Secret Invasion?
The Harvest is a vial containing the DNA of the Avengers.
During the Battle of Earth, the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes spilled blood to defend the planet from Thanos. Nick Fury collected the Avengers’ DNA thanks to the help of the Skrulls. Their ability to change their physical appearance made the Skrulls the perfect choice for the job, as they could easily blend in. The collectors were led by Gravik, who then came up with the idea of the Super Skrull machine. Since Fury was the one in charge of The Harvest, he feels responsible for endangering humanity’s existence in the Skrulls’ rebellion. To make up for his errors, Fury returned to stop Gravik from taking over Earth.
Where was the Harvest vial hidden?
The Harvest vial was hidden in Nick Fury’s tomb in Finland.
Secret Invasion episode 5 focused on Gravik’s attempt to retrieve The Harvest. In turn, Fury tried until the very end not to give the vial’s location to the Skrull leader, but the former head of S.H.I.E.L.D. changed his plans after Gravik threatened to start World War III by forcing the United States to bomb New Skrullos in Russia. Together with Sonya Falsworth (who turned out to be one of Fury’s friends more than an enemy, as the series initially teased), Fury went to Finland and took the Harvest vial in the Secret Invasion episode 5 ending. The credits started rolling as Fury stated it was time to finish the clash with the rebellious Skrulls.
For more MCU content, check out Brie Larson’s explanation of Captain Marvel’s absence from recent storylines. Also, here’s the list of the Marvel movies coming out in 2023.