
SuperKitties: Where to Watch & Stream Online

SuperKitties, an animated series created by Paula Rosenthal, features adorable kittens with extraordinary superpowers. Set in the fictional city of Kittydale, resident cats Ginny, Sparks, Buddy, and Bitsy use their powers to protect and defend the city from different threats and villains. Each of them has a unique power, like speed or manipulation of objects. The SuperKitties face many challenges, such as stopping a cat burglar and foiling a supervillain’s plan for world dominance.

Here’s where you can watch SuperKitties online.

Where can you watch and stream SuperKitties?

You can watch and stream SuperKitties on Disney Plus. The show premiered on January 11, 2023.

In addition to fighting crime, defending the city, and imparting messages of kindness, empathy, and teamwork, SuperKitties also enjoy an ordinary, playful life in this series. This series appeals to an audience of all ages because it is heartwarming, fun, and exciting. Making it even more engaging is its impressive voice cast, which includes Emma Berman, Cruz Flateau, JeCobi Swain, and Pyper Braun, among others.

How to watch SuperKitties and stream online

To catch the exciting adventures of SuperKitties online, fans can get easy access to it by subscribing to Disney Plus.

You can watch via Disney Plus by following these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Select ‘Sign Up Now’
  3. Enter your email and password
  4. Select a subscription plan
    • $7.99 per month (Basic)
    • $13.99 per month or $139.99 per year (Premium)
  5. Enter your payment information

The Disney Plus Basic plan allows users to stream the service’s content with ads, while the Premium plan lets users stream with no ads and download content to supported devices. There are also a variety of bundle packages, scaling from Bundle Duo Basic, which pairs Disney Plus with Hulu for $9.99 per month, to the Disney Bundle Trio Premium for $19.99 per month, which bundles Disney Plus, Hulu, and ESPN Plus.

The official synopsis for SuperKitties reads:

“An adorable and action-packed new series about four fierce and furry superhero kittens — Ginny, Sparks, Buddy and Bitsy — who are on a mission to make Kittydale a more caring and ”pawesome” place.”

NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.

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