Scarlett Johansson for Elena in Uncharted ?

Empire chatted with Oscar-nominated The Fighter director David O. Russell about bringing Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune to the big screen, a discussion in which he mentioned he likes Scarlett Johansson for the role of Elena:

What is the situation with your Uncharted movie script? It seems such a natural game to turn into a movie…

The game is very cinematic; there’s no question about it. That’s what I’m working on real hard and I’m writing it as we speak and I’m really excited to make it. I’d love Mark to be in it, I’d love Bob De Niro to be in it; I love the idea of growing them into a cinematic family; I think that’s a really cool idea, but… I guess you’ll have to wait until you see the script.

What thoughts do you have about the love interest, Elena?

Ah, Elena. I’ve cultivated her quite a bit and I think I’ve added a lot of dimension to her so that’s all I’m going to say. I love the woman characters and the more robust they are, the more robust the movie.

From watching The Fighter, we would love Amy Adams to play Elena…

Oh I would love that too, I love Amy. I also love Scarlett Johansson; there’s a lot of great actors I think might suit. Hopefully, we’ll see how it works out with everybody who are being scoped to do that role…

Sony Pictures has not set a release date for the film as of yet.

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