New Midnight Suns Animated Short Is All About Ghost Rider

New Midnight Suns Animated Short Is All About Ghost Rider

Midnight Sunsfirst animated prequel short focused on Lilith, the second told the story of Magik, and this newest one is all about Ghost Rider. As was the case with the last couple, it tells the story of how Robbie Reyes joined the Midnight Suns crew.

The video follows Reyes through a car chase with some local pests, showing off his skills with his vehicle as well as his chains. It also slightly ties into Magik’s episode at the end, meaning these shorts will likely continue to build off one another. It’s also 3D animated and, given how Magik’s was also in that style, the rest will probably be the same, which is unlike the 2D intro and debut episode.

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Ghost Rider was also the most recent character to get a full breakdown, despite being one of the earliest revealed heroes. Firaxis Games has done full deep dives into the whole launch cast save for one, who the studio has yet to unveil.

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