Arcade1UP Street Fighter 2 Cabinet

Arcade1Up Adds Wi-Fi to Ms. Pac-Man, Street Fighter with New Cabinets

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Bandai Namco may want nothing to do with Ms. Pac-Man in 2022, but Arcade1Up is ready to provide retro fans with the speediest Pac-game around.

The home arcade company introduced two new cabinets today, with multiple games ready to play and wi-fi capabilities that let players take their gameplay online. The first features Ms. Pac-Man‘s retro-perfect side art and a host of classics from Namco. The other is Street Fighter 2-themed and sports two different designs and several different versions of the game that popularized hadokens worldwide.

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The legacy Ms. Pac-Man cabinet holds 14 games, including five other Pac-Man spin-offs but not the 1980 original. It also has GalagaDig Dug, Mappy, and more, enough gameplay to fill an entire Namco museum. Here is the complete list for the $500 unit:

  • Ms. Pac-Man
  • Super Pac-Man
  • Pac-Land
  • Pac-Man Plus
  • Pac & Pal
  • Pac-Mania
  • Galaga
  • Galaxian
  • Dig Dug
  • Dig Dug II
  • Mappy
  • Rompers
  • Dragon Busters
  • King & Baloon

Capcom’s new offering has just as many titles in the Yoga Flame and Shinku Hadoken cabinets. Several versions of Street Fighter II highlight the package, but retro enthusiasts should also get excited about gems like Captain Commando and Saturday Night Slam Masters. The complete list is reproduced below:

  • Super Street Fighter II Turbo
  • Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting
  • Street Fighter II: Champion Edition
  • King of Dragons
  • Street Fighter
  • Progear
  • Battle Circuit
  • Super Puzzle Fighter
  • Saturday Night Slam Masters
  • Capcom Sports Club
  • Final Fight
  • Giga Wing
  • Captain Commando
  • Armored Warriors

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Arcade1Up has become the de facto home base for any arcade enthusiasts looking to bring the glory days of cabinets into their homes. They offer various game collections, including Capcom’s Marvel fighting games, NBA Jam, and Konami’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brawlers. They also provide smaller counter cabinets, sit-down cocktail machines, and accessories for anyone looking to build their spare bedroom into something more useful.

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