E3 Returns In-Person in 2023, Now Led by ReedPop

The ESA and ReedPop have announced that E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, will once again be in-person in Los Angeles next June.

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Taking place in the second week of June 2023, E3 will now be helmed by ReedPop, a veteran event production company that handles PAX, New York Comic-Con, and Star Wars Celebration. E3 is typically a major week for game announcements from companies of all different sizes, making ReedPop’s prior experience with pop culture-focused events a likely boon for the expo.

“It is a tremendous honor and privilege for ReedPop to take on the responsibility of bringing E3 back in 2023,” said Lance Fensterman, President of ReedPop. “With the support and endorsement of the ESA, we’re going to build a world-class event to serve the global gaming industry in new and broader ways than we already do at ReedPop through our portfolio of world-leading events and websites.”

“We are thrilled to bring back E3 as an in-person event with ReedPop, a global leader in producing pop culture events,” stated Stanley Pierre-Louis, President and CEO of the ESA. “The past three years have confirmed that E3 convenes our industry like no other event. ReedPop brings world-class talent and a keen understanding of the video game industry, which will serve to enhance the E3 experience for years to come.”

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Media will be able to register for the show through a new site later this year. E3 2020 and 2022 were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while E3 2021 was exclusively virtual. With the introduction of Summer Game Fest and various independent press conferences, some were worried E3 may not return in 2023, so this serves as exciting news for many gamers.


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