Xbox Stream Accidentally Discusses Marvel's Avengers' Next Unannounced Hero

Marvel’s Avengers’ Next Unannounced Hero Accidentally Revealed During Xbox Stream

Marvel’s Avengers just got its most recent hero, and it’s not exactly a secret who its next playable will likely be. The hero’s alleged voice actor and a prominent leaker already pointed to She-Hulk’s inclusion, something that was never officially confirmed. However, an odd slipup on a recent Xbox stream gave even more credence to that report.

As reported by Video Games Chronicle and clipped by Avengers insider mmmmmmmmiller, Xbox held an official stream with actor and streamer Techniq, who was playing Marvel’s Avengers with its lead designer, Brian Waggoner. Techniq started talking about She-Hulk and after debating on whether or not he should say what he knows in regards to the game, he just went and spilled it anyway.

“Funny fact about She-Hulk,” said Techniq. “I don’t know if I can say this. I think it is public knowledge. I’ll just say this. Oh, I don’t like the face Brian is making. [laughs] Maybe I shouldn’t say it. I think it’s public now. She announced it. My acting coach is actually the voice of She-Hulk. And I won’t say her name because I don’t know if that is public knowledge yet. I think it is. It was announced.”

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It hasn’t been announced, which Waggoner quickly cleared up.

“Nope,” said Waggoner. “We’ve never announced She-Hulk.”

Techniq then quickly and bizarrely rescinded his statement in an effort to undo what he probably wasn’t at liberty to speak about.

“Then never mind,” said Techniq. “I don’t know if that is true or not. Hopefully, the source will be right. You’ll have to see in the future. I am not going to try to pull it out of Brian.”

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Techniq is likely talking about Krizia Bajos, who is reportedly voicing She-Hulk. The aforementioned Avengers leaker mmmmmmmmiller reported in December that She-Hulk was coming to the game and that Bajos would be voicing her. Bajos quote tweeted it at the time and replied with a green heart emoji before deleting the tweet.

She-Hulk didn’t end up being the next hero, which mmmmmmmmiller said he believed was done in order to better line up with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This makes sense, as Mighty Thor is releasing near Thor: Love and Thunder and She-Hulk would presumably be positioned to come out later in the year, probably sometime near her Disney+ show in August. 

Bajos is also the founder of Voiceover Camp, which is a program that offers a variety of different workshops and tutorials related to voiceover acting. This would line up with Techniq saying that his acting coach was the voice of She-Hulk since she also hosts many of its workshops.

Regardless, Waggoner didn’t give in and talked about how Crystal Dynamics is working on the next hero.

“We’re working on our next hero,” said Waggoner. “We haven’t said who it is going to be yet. There will be a time for that. We’re focused right now on celebrating the work the team did on Jane [Foster]. When it’s time to talk about who is next, we will talk about who is next.”


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