Marvel's Avengers Drops Another Mighty Thor Screen & Free MCU Nameplate

Marvel’s Avengers Drops Another Mighty Thor Screen & Free MCU Nameplate

Crystal Dynamics has been slowly dripping out new screen shots of and details about Mighty Thor before her release on June 28. The studio has also celebrating the release of Disney+’s Ms. Marvel show with an array of cosmetics inspired by the series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Today marked a fusion of both initiatives, as the developer revealed another screen shot of Jane Foster in action and reminded players of another free Ms. Marvel nameplate that came out on June 23.

The game’s official Twitter account showed the above picture of Foster slamming Mjölnir into the ground. This goes with her other (heavily edited) action shots the team has previously put out, like the image at the very top of the article. Crystal Dynamics still hasn’t released video of Mighty Thor, but that will come during the June 27 War Table stream.

RELATED: Marvel’s Avengers Reveals Mighty Thor Screen, Adds MCU Skin to Flashback Shipments

The studio also took the time to remind players of the Ms. Marvel nameplate that it released for free on June 23. Players only have until June 30 to grab the nameplate from the game’s marketplace. Crystal Dynamics has been giving away a Ms. Marvel nameplate weekly since June 8, a pattern that will continue until July 21. This means there are still a few more to go and they will wrap up eight days after the show’s first season finale. It also sold the MCU version of Ms. Marvel’s costume in the game, too.

RELATED: Marvel’s Avengers Art Director Reveals Inspiration for Mighty Thor’s Outfits


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