Sci-Fi Horror Game Fort Solis Starring Troy Baker Gets Trailer

Sci-Fi Horror Game Fort Solis Starring Troy Baker Gets Trailer

Another entry in the genre of sci-fi horror was unveiled during Summer Game Fest, this time in the form of Fort Solis, a title starring Troy Baker and taking place on Mars.

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In a debut trailer for the game, Baker’s character — medical officer Wyatt Taylor — is seen exploring a seemingly abandoned facility on Mars before things take a turn for the scary. Check out the trailer for Fort Solis below:

Following its presentation, Baker and Roger Clark — who played Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2 — appeared on stage to discuss the game alongside Geoff Keighley.

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In their brief time on stage, the duo discussed how the game focuses more on narrative than just strictly scaring players, and draws inspiration from other sci-fi classics such as the Dead Space video game series and the 2009 film Moon, so fans should expect not only an overall tense environment, but a dive into the supernatural once they step foot on that facility.


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