Humankind Populates Consoles, Explores Latin America

Humankind is the type of game that might have stayed a PC exclusive in generations past. 4X strategy is hard to translate to a controller, and the living room waters were untested for games with such a high skill ceiling and time commitment. In 2022, every game not tied down by a platform holder eventually makes it everywhere, so it’s no surprise that this huge PC game from Sega and Amplitude Studios is coming to Xbox and PlayStation this November.

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Announced as part of today’s Summer Game Fest pre-show, these console ports are underway at Aspyr, a studio with tons of porting experience. The announcement also confirmed that Sega would continue its strong support of Xbox Game Pass by bringing Humankind to the service day and date with its console release. This is particularly great for a release like this, as you will likely want to test how the game adapts to joypads before shelling out full price.

For PC players already invested in playing on the stage of history, Amplitude Studios had a few additional announcements to support the game. One is a new DLC that releases today, adding six new cultures from Latin America to the mix. From the Inca to the people of Cuba, each new faction adds wonders, narrative events, and culturally appropriate background music to the proceedings. The content is available now on Steam and the Epic Games Store for $9.

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Humankind will also see a major patch today that addresses community concerns across the board. Among some of the changes in the Bolivar Patch are a reworked surrender system, rebalanced war support modifiers, and unique effects for the game’s many wonders. More information about today’s new additions can be found on the developer’s official community website, Games2Gether.


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