Marvel Snap Announced

Marvel Card Battler Announced From Ex-Hearthstone Devs

As promised, Marvel and Second Dinner announced the video game the two are working on. Marvel Snap is said title and is a free-to-play card battler that is coming out on mobile platforms and PC at some unknown point in the future. Sign-ups for the closed Android beta going on now start today and users can enter on a survey on the game’s website.

The full trailer is an extended edition of the teaser, once again showing Venom, America Chavez, and Ironheart, but also revealing Spider-Man, a Black Panther in a mech suit, Baby Groot, and a childlike version of Galactus. It also appeared as though Dr. Doom-like henchmen were flying around, too. The full reveal video doesn’t have as many character names as the teaser, but the longer trailer does contain some of them in card form at the end, including Hellcow, Iron Man, Storm, and Wolverine, to name a few.

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The team also released a two videos about Marvel Snap: one that announces the game and gives an overview and another with a longer gameplay demo. Chief Production Officer Yong Wu said the team “stripped out all the stuff that gets in the way of fun and gets everybody straight into the strategic action.” The action seems to be a key focus for the studio, as matches only take around three minutes and both players play simultaneously.

Players will also on have 12 cards at a time in their deck and the game itself will launch with 150 cards, which will expand over time. There are also variants of each card, meaning that one Star-Lord will look different from another and could have a pixelated art style or a chibi one. The cards will even have unique effects to reflect their character, like Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch having their own magical flair when they attack, in addition to select voice lines.

It is a collectible card game, which makes complete sense given the talent behind it. Second Dinner was started by two ex-Blizzard Entertainment developers who were heavily involved with Hearthstone: Heroes of WarCraft‘s development. Ben Brode and Hamilton Chu are the duo in question, the former of whom was the game director and the latter was an executive producer. They announced that they were making a Marvel game in 2019 for mobile, but it looks as though those plans were expanded to the PC, as well.

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This is the second card game Marvel has in production. XCOM developer Firaxis Games is also developing Midnight Suns, which is a tactical RPG that also uses cards.


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