Marvel's Avengers Adds Doctor Strange-Themed Outfit To Hulk's Wardrobe

Marvel’s Avengers Adds Doctor Strange-Themed Outfit to Hulk’s Wardrobe

April 20 is all about the green nationwide, but April 21 will be all about the gray in Marvel’s Avengers. The latest costume to debut in Square Enix’s live-service superhero game is Hulk’s gray appearance from “The Incredible Hulk” comics back in 1989 and 1990. During part of that run (in the “Strange But True” storyline), Bruce Banner transformed into a darker version of his alter ego thanks to an interdimensional being and does battle with Dr. Strange and Namor the Sub-Mariner.

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It’s a fitting costume choice on the part of developer Crystal Dynamics considering how much the hype machine has ramped up for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness in the past few weeks. Doctor Strange hasn’t yet appeared in Marvel’s Avengers, but including some of the unique looks that other heroes took on while dealing with Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme is a fine compromise.

Marvel’s Avengers is still getting content other than skins, but the way in which the developer talks about that upcoming content is changing. Crystal Dynamics recently stated on Reddit that it was scaling back how it is discussing the game’s future plans and opting for shorter bursts of updates on future, well, updates instead of a traditional multi-month roadmap. There is still plenty to come for Avengers players, however, including the next confirmed character, Jane Foster as The Mighty Thor.

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This is another MCU tie-in, as the character will likely hit in concert with Thor: Love and Thunder, which sees Lady Thor hit the big screen for the first time as portrayed by Natalie Portman. She-Hulk is reportedly on the docket, too, but plans seemed to have been shuffled around to accommodate Lady Thor.


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