Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 Reveal Slated for Later This Year

Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 Reveal Slated for Later This Year

Square Enix celebrated Final Fantasy VII‘s 25th anniversary through a special livestream. And instead of just reminiscing about the seminal RPG and revealing a new logo, the company also confirmed that it is planning to reveal the second part of the remake sometime in 2022.

As translated by Video Games Chronicle, Yoshinori Kitase, director on the original PlayStation 1 release and producer on the 2020 remake, stated that a reveal for the remake’s inevitable second part should come later this year.

“With regards to the long awaited Final Fantasy VII Remake [Part 2]… there will be more information… this year if we can,” he said.

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He was asked a little more directly about the sequel being revealed in 2022 and gave a clearer answer.

“Well, yeah,” said Kitase. “We just started the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy VII, so we want to celebrate and get fans excited, so within the next 12 months we want to share some information. Look forward to more information!”

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“More information” is incredibly open-ended since there is very little officially known about this upcoming sequel to the remake, especially including platforms and release dates. However, Tetsuya Nomura, the remake’s director and concept designer, said it will take advantage of the PlayStation 5, meaning it will at least hit Sony’s newest console. Naoki Hamaguchi, the remake’s co-director, is also becoming a director. Nomura is going to take a “broader creative director position.”

This information came alongside a few other celebratory gestures. Square revealed a few anniversary logos. Kitase and Nomura also released a statement together about the game and its impact.


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