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Leaked Starfield Images Show Bethesda’s New IP Before Rumored Reveal

It seems that the makers of modern Fallout and Skyrim are about to pop the lid off Starfield. Set to be Bethesda Game Studios’ first new universe in years, leaked images of the upcoming game are already starting to flood the Internet.

Provided via self-styled game news investigator @SkullziTV on Twitter and confirmed by gaming insider Jeff Grubb among others, the leaked images reveal even more of the interiors of spaceships players can expect in this supposedly open-world adventure.

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The leaks include warning that the images are from the same 2018 build that has leaked out previously, meaning that the final game will have several layers of polish not seen in these screenshots. @SkullziTV also confirmed that Starfield will have factions, including The Black Fleet and the Space Nation Alliance.

The Internet has been trying to piece together what Starfield is for a long while. First revealed in 2018 and hinted at for years before that, the space equivalent to the fantasy-inspired Skyrim is one of the most anticipated video games in development currently. Every game the Skyrim team has produced in recent memory has been a bonified blockbuster, and that’s just the type of game Bethesda’s new owners at Microsoft are looking for.

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There have been some rumors that Bethesda will reveal the game at E3 and turn around with a release this fall, although others have suggested that development was delayed further. Both sides agree that it should be a big part of Microsoft and Bethesda’s joint press conference next month, so those who have been absorbing every drip of information should be quite satisfied in a month’s time.


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