Bad Boys II

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Rating: R


Martin Lawrence as Marcus Burnett

Will Smith as Mike Lowrey

Gabrielle Union as Sydney Burnett

Joe Pantoliano as Captain Howard

Jordi Mollà as Johnny Tapia

Theresa Randle as Theresa Burnett

Tom Hillmann as Dad

Chris Astoyan as Freddy

Jon Beshara as Alpha 66

John Cenatiempo as Syd’s Bodyguard

Dave Corey as Agent Eames

Kiko Ellsworth as Blond Dreads

Treva Etienne as Icepick

Reynaldo Gallegos as Tito

Gary Nickens as Det. Fanuti

Jason Manuel Olazabal as Det. Vargas

Tim Powell as Jack Snell, DEA Director

R.E. Rodgers as Delongpre

John Salley as Hacker ‘Fletcher’

Otto Sanchez as Carlos

Oleg Taktarov as Josef

Yul Vazquez as Reyes

J.D. Walsh as Best Buy clerk

Special Features:

Deleted Scenes

Production Diaries

Sequence Breakdowns

Stunts and Visual Effects Featurettes

Jay Z “La-La-La” Music Video

Other Info:

Widescreen (2.40:1)

Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound

French And English Audio

French and English Subtitles

Running Time: 147 Minutes


This is the sequel to the 1995 film ‘Bad Boys’.

Mike Lowrey and his partner Marcus Burnett are still cops in Miami. While Mike is still the rich, flirtatious bachelor, Marcus is a family man with anger issues. In an effort to avoid complete emotional breakdown, he has been going into therapy. He has also decided to end his partnership with Mike. The only problem is he has to break the news to him.

Mike has an informant who tells him about a major drug deal going down. Unfortunately, they are continually unable to catch the man behind it, Johnny Tapia. Little do they know that the Cuban drug lord has been smuggling drugs and money in and out of the US through his mortuary service. As he continues to foil them, matters are complicated by the involvement of the DEA. As the DEA and the Miami police interfere with each other, Marcus gets personally involved when he finds out that his sister Sydney is one of the undercover federal agents. Worried for her safety, he tries to intercede in her investigation of Tapia. However, there’s a bigger threat he doesn’t know about – she’s secretly fallen in love with Mike.

‘Bad Boys II’ is rated R for strong violence and action, pervasive language, sexuality and drug content.

The Movie:

If you’re looking for a mindless action film, Bad Boys II will fit the bill. Fans of the first film should enjoy this sequel with equal enthusiasm. I must admit, though, that I haven’t seen the first film since it was originally released in 1995, so I can’t easily compare the two. Suffice it to say that there’s equal amount of action, humor, and violence.

Will Smith and Martin Lawrence return and continue to have great chemistry. They seem to really have a lot of fun together on screen and it helps to make the film more entertaining. Their improvisations help a lot, too. One of the funniest moments in the whole movie is when the two team up to harass a poor, unsuspecting boyfriend of Marcus’ daughter. It had nothing to do with big explosions or looking cool. It just worked really well and gave big laughs.

Will Smith looks great in the tough guy role. He’s matured a lot as an actor over the years. I generally hate Martin Lawrence, but I found him to be a lot more tolerable in this role. He’s generally loud and egotistical, but this role requires him to be just the opposite. (Well, he’s still loud, but not in an obnoxious way.) By allowing himself to be second banana he ends up being a lot less overbearing and a lot funnier. Joe Pantoliano also puts a fun new spin on the typical angry police chief role by having him desperately try to manage his anger with therapy, incense, and chanting.

Action fans will get an overdose of adrenaline and testosterone in this movie (as you would expect from any Michael Bay film). Some of the more memorable action sequences involve a big chase sequence on a freeway where the bad guys throw cars at our heroes, a gunfight at a KKK rally, and a rescue mission in the drug lord’s villa.

Unfortunately, Bad Boys II had a number of problems that I couldn’t get over. First of all, at over 2 hours in running time, it was about an hour too long. There was a lot of unnecessary material that could have been cut. Second, there was way too much profanity for my liking. If you made a drinking game for this movie where you took a drink every time someone said s**t or f**k, then you’d be dead of alcohol poisoning. If you took those two words out, you probably could have cut that hour that I mentioned earlier. It just wasn’t necessary.

I like Michael Bay and the material that he picks, but he frequently does camerawork that annoys me. One trick is to dramatically spin the camera between two rooms during a gunfight. Yes, it looked nice, but it didn’t help tell the story and it spun about three times too many. I got seasick. Bay also liked to show Will Smith dramatically unholster his guns in slow motion. Rather than making the higher paid actor look cool, it made him look ultra-cheesy and egotistical.

The movie was also surprisingly gory. One car chase involved corpses falling out of a truck and being run over rather graphically (and repeatedly). Another scene in a mortuary had our heroes digging around inside body cavities and showing open skulls and brains (not to mention the gratuitous shots of a dead woman’s breasts). In other scenes people are shot and a special point is made to show their brains exploding out the backs of their skulls. It seemed like they were making extra effort to earn that R rating. It wasn’t necessary.

The plot is also occasionally confusing. All the subterfuge and multiple factions made things perplexing in a hurry. I’m still not sure I entirely understand the evil plan of the drug lord. However, that’s not of too much concern because they’ll eventually shoot someone or blow something up to lighten the mood.

Finally, the film had incredible lapses in logic. I can appreciate the need to suspend disbelief, but this film asked for it a lot. After a huge gun battle in the middle of traffic with the general public running for cover, the immediate following reaction was for the DEA to gripe out the cops for interfering with their undercover operation. Huh? I would think they would have bigger concerns like keeping their jobs after the fight was shown on national news. In another scene, our heroes drive a Hummer through a shantytown destroying hundreds of shacks, yet nobody is hurt and very few people even jump out of the way. You’d think even in an action popcorn flick a couple of cops would have more concern for public safety.

This is no doubt a popular movie but it simply wasn’t my cup of tea. In deciding whether or not to see it, you should consider your opinion of the first film, the lead actors, and Michael Bay’s style.

The Extras:

This two disc DVD set has quite a few bonus features included (surprisingly there’s no audio commentary, though):

Deleted Scenes – Seven deleted scenes are included on this DVD. None of them are spectacular, but they do expand on scenes from the film. For example, one scene shows Marcus in group therapy along with the Chief and some other officers. Another scene shows Mike and Marcus debating who will bust first into the Haitian’s house. Some of the scenes are kind of offensive. One bizarre scene shows the drug lord putting a hit out on a drug sniffing dog that his cost him money. Another shows Mike and Marcus stopping a funeral procession and frisking a corpse for drugs in front of a grieving family. They go so far as to reach their hands up the dead old woman’s dress. It was just about as tasteless as other scenes in the film.

Production Diaries – This is a series of 19 videos featuring certain scenes from the film. They include behind the scenes footage, interviews with the cast and crew, raw dailies, and more. It’s an interesting and revealing look at the making of the film. You’ll also find plenty of bloopers in these scenes as well as jokes played on the cast and crew. In one scene Martin Lawrence pretends to bust Michael Bay who slips into a scene as a stunt driver. In another sequence you see Martin Lawrence refuse to film any more takes of a scene, then finally relent. Michael Bay is also shown sticking his pet mastiff “Mason” into a scene. He doesn’t seem to take direction very well, though.

Sequence Breakdowns – Six key action sequences are shown in detail in this feature. You can see the original action sequence, behind the scenes footage from the set, the original storyboards, and the original script pages. It’s a very thorough and candid look at the making of these scenes. You frequently see Michael Bay cussing out the crew, then glowing about the scenes a short time later.

Stunts and Visual Effects Featurettes – These are two 10 minute or so videos on the stunts and visual effects in the film. Michael Bay is a big believer in doing as many stunts with live action as possible. That requires elaborate setups, big explosions, and lots of destroyed cars. The car chase along the highway is primarily featured. An interesting new camera rig on a car called the “Bay Bomber” is also highlighted. The visual effects are then included to enhance the scenes, remove rigging, and make the scenes more exciting. They are also used for the unique camera transitions in the film. This includes flying through a building and night club, circling around a building during a shootout, and more. Overall it’s some pretty cool stuff.

Jay Z “La-La-La” Music Video – I hate rap, so this wasn’t quite to my tastes. On top of that, the music video has little if anything to do with Bad Boys 2. A couple of scenes from it are shown here and there, but otherwise there really no other relation with the movie.

The Bottom Line:

If you liked the movie, then you’ll love the DVD. If you didn’t enjoy the movie, the bonus features are still impressive.

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