About American war journalist Marie Colvin
She'll play the role of Queen Elizabeth II
Kate Mara and Evan Peters also join the cast
The show finished its second season last month
Opens in theaters on November 2
Check out the new footage!
She'll play Special Agent Sydney "Syd" Burnett, her character from the second film
Jordan Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions is producing
The finale of Channel Zero: No-End House airs tonight
The film opens in theaters on October 27
Premieres on December 22, 2017
Who would you want to see take over the role of Wolverine in future films?
The film smashes into theaters on November 3
Based on the play by Anton Chekhov
The story of the super-powered Sharif family
Based on the upcoming book Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow
Based on the bestselling novel by James Patterson
No work on whether we'll see Swiper or Boots
Starring Daniel Day-Lewis in his final feature film
The original show starring Tom Selleck ran from 1980-1988