Telling Marcus Luttrell's story with Mark Wahlberg, Ben Foster, Emile Hirsch and Taylor Kitsch
Directing an impressive ensemble including Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts and more
A very unique perspective to this year's movies
Anchorman 2 scores $40 million in its first five days
Starring and directing Walter Mitty, out on Christmas Day
Airing March 2, 2014 on ABC
Opening nationwide on January 17
But who will play the role of Playboy magazine's swinging founder?
Would play the pirate Blackbeard
Returning for his sixth film with the Coen Brothers
Joining Ben Stiller & Robin Williams as Dr. McPhee
Wading through 2013's cinematic "abundance of riches"
Honorable Mentions and Docs
One of the most award winning and nominated movies of the season
Based on the Liz Tuccilo novel
Sequel will hit theaters on June 20, 2014
Predictions and preview for the weekend of Friday, December 20
The three sequels will film back-to-back
Known for Billy Jack and Hitchcock's Rebecca respectively
The star of Lawrence of Arabia and eight-time Oscar nominee